Monday, August 27, 2007


In the ever-expanding world of suspended thinking this question possessed my humble mind. How do we balance life, love, family, work, finances, and leisure but still have a relationship with God.

Pressure is put on us everyday in most all these areas. It becomes a tangled web for me and I easily loose sight of what is important to me. Confusion has grown to a magnitude as it over takes all my thinking.

I am so lost in life right now I cannot see my next step. I wander around some days oblivious to the surroundings, which cradle security and some kind of stability.

Balance in life is so important I feel, as it acts as an organizer. Priorities must be in order and well understood before we can achieve balance. The carnal mind wants what it wants and becomes a very powerful force in a daily basis. Our conscience rebels and tries to put this carnal thinking into place. A war breaks out and creates havoc in my life.

Restlessness supersedes and the order of balance is all messed up. Knowing what is right and wrong becomes a distraction. A piece of abstract art is created and its got my name on it for its title.

I have talked to God about this and I still feel so unbalanced in all the different categories. My priorities have become blurred.

I am talking in circles here I know but some time spelling them out can help create a new map and direction of where you should be.

Life has become really confusing to me as of late. Nothing is really making much sense. My mind has been overloaded as it feels it is breaking under the stress.

I have been here before and have found a way out. I have landed on my feet before and found redirection. So I stive to reach that next step still in tact.

Have a great day and thanks for reading.


Bonnie said...

Good on you for talking it out though. That's always one of the first things I need to do to find saneness in the madness. I hope that you spend that time with God and he reveals one step at a time for you!

Leann said...

Hi friend,been there done that more times then I like to say.
I have been so low at times they would have to jack me up to bury me.
and I remember what the Lord said.
"COME TO ME ALL YOU WHO ARE BURDENED and heavey laydened,and I will give you rest.for my burden is easy,and my yock is light."
he meant to give him the things we couldnt handle and he would help us.
some times we try to figure every thing out on our own.he didnt intend that.he wants to help.

sit down and deside what is your job and what you cant do and leave the rest to God.he loves you as you just tell him the truth and he will help.
if we could do all things alone we wouldnt need him.
hang in there guy the lovely fall colors are coming.and winter is a more peaceful time for us.
God bless and have a great week.

Bonnie said...

The cobwebs are getting thick in here. I just cleaned out my place too. otherwise I'd offer to help clean up yours :)

I don't see you on skype much more and as I hear we're losing another partner in skype-crime for about 6 months.

Either way. it's good to connect. I'm learning this. It's a good lesson.

Leann said...

are you ok????
I have come here many times to see if your posting.but nothing.please let us know if your ok!!!