Saturday, April 12, 2008

Long Over Due

As my friend said the cob webs are getting thick. I could not agree more as she is a person of true wisdom.
I have been up and down as I try to deal with life. i am happy, sad, frustrated, down right angry, but I have made it threw feeling very good about myself. Who would have thought it was possible.
One problem I seem to face on a regular basis is a stagnant outlook on new things. Getting caught in a rut as they say, and it is a pattern which needs to be broken. I am the only one who can do this.
I have so many hobbies and activities that I should be busy all the time, but instead I plop myself in my chair and do nothing. I call this lazy and I can be very lazy. Just something I need to work on. I will be out photographing very soon as the air is getting warmer and the birds are singing.
All in all I feel great about life and people. I have discovered I love to talk to people from all walks of life.
The internet has allowed me to meet so many wonderful people and I look forward to seeing them and having some laughs.
But I have found along with this type of activity we also need to go out and spend time with real humans, live and in person. Our social out look cannot be based on images completely. I don't want to lose the form of communication which develops threw human contact.
Wow I am all over the place here, which does not surprise me as I have lots I have not said lately.
So for now I would like tp welcome all my freinds back to my site and I look forward to reading all about your adventures as well.


Bonnie said...

hey! welcome back. :)

Glad to see you are taking a broom to those cobwebs!

Leann said...

hi there strangr glad your back.just stopped in to say hi.God bless you.

Bonnie said...

The cobwebs are still pretty thick...


I started cleaning out my place too. I think I should have been charging the spiders rent.