Monday, August 27, 2007


In the ever-expanding world of suspended thinking this question possessed my humble mind. How do we balance life, love, family, work, finances, and leisure but still have a relationship with God.

Pressure is put on us everyday in most all these areas. It becomes a tangled web for me and I easily loose sight of what is important to me. Confusion has grown to a magnitude as it over takes all my thinking.

I am so lost in life right now I cannot see my next step. I wander around some days oblivious to the surroundings, which cradle security and some kind of stability.

Balance in life is so important I feel, as it acts as an organizer. Priorities must be in order and well understood before we can achieve balance. The carnal mind wants what it wants and becomes a very powerful force in a daily basis. Our conscience rebels and tries to put this carnal thinking into place. A war breaks out and creates havoc in my life.

Restlessness supersedes and the order of balance is all messed up. Knowing what is right and wrong becomes a distraction. A piece of abstract art is created and its got my name on it for its title.

I have talked to God about this and I still feel so unbalanced in all the different categories. My priorities have become blurred.

I am talking in circles here I know but some time spelling them out can help create a new map and direction of where you should be.

Life has become really confusing to me as of late. Nothing is really making much sense. My mind has been overloaded as it feels it is breaking under the stress.

I have been here before and have found a way out. I have landed on my feet before and found redirection. So I stive to reach that next step still in tact.

Have a great day and thanks for reading.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Mind Body and Soul

The word "Zen" is described by Oxford as a form of Buddhism emphasizing the value of meditation and intuition. Well I am not a Buddha and I do not follow their teachings but I like the word Zen. To me it describes a togetherness of mind body & soul within our selves.

Us North Americans love to twist words around to fit our purpose and as you can see I am no different. So lately my Zen has been way out of whack. Why I am not real sure but I can feel a separation some days.

A very weird feeling as I am sure we have all had this feeling. My body does not seem to be in sync with my mind, and my soul gets dragged down from it. It is very disheartening when you do not feel whole on a day to day basis. It becomes impossible to create a level playing field where emotions are concerned.

I know I am going in circles here but these are real feelings to me. My mind is going one way based upon a thought and my body wants to go another way. When this happens my soul which controls all emotions has been confused much like when you give a computer two commands. It does not know which one to follow. It may pick one but then the other is only tagging along and it is not happy.

This has been happening a lot lately and it is taking its toll. It makes me want to just crawl back into bed and get up again and try it all over. In the real world it is not possible so I find a way to deal with it.

It probably has a lot to do with my head injury combined with the weather and work schedule. The cure for all this, well it is easy “Vacation”

Yes I need to get away to somewhere which will revitalize my “Zen”

Those of you who know me know a trip to Hawaii would do the trick, but since this is not possible I would love to go to a place alone with my pen and paper, my guitar and my camera. A week would be great, a vacation with only my self and my thoughts. I could right about everything I see and feel. I could photograph all images which capture my imagination. I could think of some people who I would love to spend time with but this is not possible either for what ever reason.

Life can be so confusing and boring at times. At times it can be so great much like an exciting movie which sends chills up your spine.

For me right now I am just plugging away with life. It is not that bad even though I sound real depressed I really am not. I think I am just in need of some time away.

I just wanted to get this off my chest and I thank you for reading.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Hi everyone it has been way to long. My sabbatical is over and I am anxious to get blogging again. Sometimes a break is what is needed to clear your mind and send you in a new direction.

My life has been a roller coaster of sorts a lot of good and some bad. This summer has been a very busy one. My dear friend was down for her recording session which was way too much fun. Our band played a small show and it was a huge rush for me.

My job has been insanely busy for the summer but it has been good for the most part. I am into using Alouette products. "Don't laugh" they are awesome products and no not the make up but the hydrating mist. I went to a party a few weeks ago " quit laughing" it was my duaghters party and I had so much fun. Bought my wife a pile of stuff for her birthday. And I got invited to another party so I went "you still laughing" and I came up with this awesome idea to have my own party. "Quit snorting from laughing"

Here is my plan I am having a beer and wing night for the guys as well as an Alouette party two weeks before Christmas. The guys can get their wives or girl friends something nice for a gift. There will be free gift wrapping. and I even had some women offer to be our models, to demonstrate some of the make up and skin products'

"Awesome idea right", "Who's laughing now" " Oh it's still you" but you wait and see it will be a big hit.

Well I will keep this short and sweet and I will be making regular stops to update. Nice to see you all again and thanks for reading