Saturday, April 21, 2007


Injustice seems to rule our world. I have been hit and felt injustice this week at work. I was ready to walk away and never return. But happy to say I did not and came out still kicking.

Ever notice some people are just not happy unless they have made someone miserable that day. I know a guy like this and it is true, he relishes in reeking havoc on others and at work he has the power to do so.

Once I got over my anger I felt sorry for this man as he is plain miserable and I am certain his life is as wrecked as he makes others feel. So sad to meet people like this. I have to force myself to pray for him. It is not easy as this man has totally disintegrated my belief this is the place I want to work until I retire. One man has done this and I have to pray about this situation and for him. Not easy.

On other fronts I feel great and have felt great for a while now. Life is granting me some enjoyment and has restored my faith in believing life is for the living and we should live it. We should be happy on a personal level and a spiritual level and these past few weeks I have felt this. I am excited about the prospects of moving forward and being a part of society again.

A local boy who works on music with my my son is up for a second day time Grammy award. His nomination was announced this week and we are all very excited for him.

I felt creative last night and actually wrote a poem which was haunting my mind and I am very happy with it. It is a poem of hope and dividing our sorrow with the hope of forgiving it and trusting another once again. One injustice cannot dictate your whole life. We must trust in some and lay our hearts on the line when it counts and not be afraid to let the past go.


I crave the desire to touch your bleeding soul with my strength

Reach in as I explore the inducement of your pain

Dissect the inevitable lose

Reaching back I fumble with the blackening memories of your tears

Outlined shadows of forbidden joy keep me focused

I take you in my arms

The flaming softness of your skin singes my emotions as I search on

Muscle contractions show no sign of impending smiles

Your sadness bounds you tight

Grazing the surface as I speak from the depths of inner connections

Your terrestrial anxiety paints a canvas of past neglect

The colors are blinding

A river flows as harrowing recollections surface without invitation

I let you talk as I only listen in grieving silence

Your words cast dark molds

The imprint of love was once marked inside as if a shrine

The texture of steel was only of glass fragments

It shattered as you fell from it

The deception of truth eludes your conscience mind rinsed in tears

The promise of love and the reality of fear

Leave you on the run

Detailed cautions plaque your eyes in a scarlet glaze which stare at me

I only recognize the beauty which lives in them

And I smile at your weariness

I harbor no intentions in which I do not speak as I hold you tight

My hand softly grazes your cheek as I speak

I love only you

Lloyd Coverdale 2007

That is about all I got today so have a great day and thanks for reading.


marallyn ben moshe said...

wow cheated...what a wonderful for dropping in to my blog and for your kind words...i'm back now and look forward to reading more about what is happening in your life too...mean guys are just mean guys...and bravo for just walking away...they only are as powerful as we allow them to be...stay safe my dear friend

Susan said...

I linked over from Marallyn's site. Hope that's okey. I was moved by your blog. I totally agree with Marallyn don't give anyone power over yourself. I'll be back.

cheated are the clouds said...

Thanks Marallyn, nice to see you back, and thank you for your kind words,

Penless thoughts thanks for dropping by, you are always welcome here and please drop by again, would love to hear from you again

ukok said...

I admire your honesty so much. In the blogosphere, as in life, so often people attempt to present an unrealist persona, but you just tell it like it is and I really respect you for that.

You're an awesome writer too!

cheated are the clouds said...

Thank you Deb you are much too kind

Suzanne said...

Oh my! Do you know what speechless really is? That is me right now. In fact, that pretty much just took my breath away! It really did.

cheated are the clouds said...

Suzanne you make me blush, thanks for your kind comment

Leann said...

cool poem Lloyed.your a man of many talents.glad your having joy again in your life.sorry I havent been around for a while.I was in a blogger slump.
God bless and have a good weekend.