Sunday, March 25, 2007


In the ever restrained world in which I call my own, adventure and humility never seem to far away. I have lost lots of weight I am eating better and have found some much needed energy. So in these parameters I am feeling very good about myself. As a lot of you know I am a homebody who likes to stay home a lots and rarely enjoys venturing to far from my home.

Well since I was feeling so macho and had this feeling of being very cool within myself I said lets go the mall. I was like a teenager again and may of had a little jump in my walk I am not sure but it did feel like it.

Jo-Anne headed down to Zellers to pick up something so I decided to cruise the mall a bit and give them all a good look at such a cool guy. I am sure the mall must be starving for some coolness or at least I was sure of it.

I see the cd shop and my feet start to accelerate toward the entrance. Well since I am so hip I head straight for the new releases. Hey I knew my music in my day and I have not been hiding under a rock for the last few years. So picture this hip guy full of confidence as he stops by the new releases.

I start my scanning to see what new treasure I can come up with. As I kept looking looking looking I began to realize I did not know one artist or one cd in the five rows of these new cd's .
I kept looking and finally I found one I have heard of before. I could not tell you what song they sang or anything about them or even what style of music they played. Just over heard someone mention their name once. So I continue on with my search as I have three more rows to browse.

I come to last row and by now this very cool guy is feeling very much old at his lack of knowledge of the music business. Finally I find an artist I know very well Neil Young ah yes I am not so ignorant after all. I started to get my confidence back only to soon realize someone had put it in the wrong row as it was not a new release but belonged on the other side of the store.

Guess what this seemingly young cool guy did next, you got it I got the heck out of there as fast as I could, like a dog with his tail between his legs.

So here I am cruisin the mall trying to make sure nobody realizes that this old guy thought he was cool for a few minutes. Not just cool but young. Oh boy we came home ASAP.

The moral of this experience today never try or beleive you are something you are not. If your a geek be a geek if your are super cool be super cool you have the right, but be nice to us people who only dream he could be cool just one more time in his life.

Thanks for reading


Bonnie said...


You're still cool in my books.

Leann said...

I dont know the movie you spoke of below.Ill have to look into it.

but I do know the music of today.

I was down to the park one day and a car drove in I thought to my self."good Lord that car needs work.the engine sounded like it was knocking and it sounded like it was on its last leg!!!
I was just about to pray for the poor kid, that is till it got close to me and I relized it was his music.

now why on earth would any self respecting person play music or noise like that?

and my grandson listons to rap and it just gives me a pain.
so Lloyed your cool,you just like to save your ears!!!like all of us who grow up.

have a great day and God bless.thanks for stopping on my blog.

ukok said...

Congrats on the weight loss! You've done really well, I just wish I could follow your example. I can't seem to make a start :-(

Suzanne said...

Lloyd, Lloyd...if you only knew just how very cool you are! This very witty post is just one example. It also happens to be something that I was going through off and on the past several years until I found that I loved the flute, jazz, and now the saxophone...don't worry about it!
Every age can have its "cool!"

marallyn ben moshe said...

hiiiiiiiiii cheated...boy am i glad you found me...i have missed you...and i bet you are the coolest guy on the block...those youngsters havea lot to learn from old fogies like us...i look for tomorrow and not back at yesterday...stay safe my dear dear friend