Saturday, March 31, 2007
The expanding mind spans many square feet of information. Everyday we learn something new about ourselves or about someone else and it may not be retained it does register in some form.
Our perception of people can often be blurred by lack of details and poor vision sense. We often forget everyone is human and all make mistakes for what ever reason. Forgiveness must be in bedded into a clear light when dealing with people.
I got in trouble this week and spoke to in a very condescending way at work. The fellow meant well and I knew this but still could not help but get my back up.
Us older folk have learned how to keep our mouths shut as not to say anything to make the situation worst. At least I think I have anyways but have been known to spout off on occasion. I let this fellow give me his thoughts and I walked away without defending myself as I knew it was not me who caused the problem.
I ask you is this the proper way to go or do you speak up and defend yourself. I just felt it was not worth the hassle as to blame the actual guilty party. I have broad shoulders and can take the fact people see me as a screw up at times. I just think we all need to have each others back in some situations.
I don't know that was just a thought which was bouncing around in my feeble little brain.
Please pray for my sister in law who got thrown from her horse this week and is in the hospital. She looks like she is going to be ok but does not remember what actually happened. From experience I have learned when you don't remember all the details of an event like this it will become a problem in the coming days and weeks. I hope she will regain it all back but an injury to the head can stay with you for the rest of your life and if not "HA HA "you end up like me.
My dear friend had a very rough week this past work week. I know they feel terrible because they feel like they let themselves down and maybe hurt some feelings along the way. I say to you my dear friend " chin up, we love you and if you have some weak moments or some overly stressful times we understand and are there to support you"
I wrote some lyrics recently as part of them appear on my home page. They may not mean much to everyone but but I was proud of them.
"Reaching out grabbing still air"
"Breathing in I feel your still there"
"I feel my world is in compression"
"It almost fits into my hand"
This is basically a song about hope in the realization that there are friends out there who you cannot wait to spend some time with and you are forced to wait before you can meet with them again.
I just liked those lines so I thought I would share them
That is about all I got today so have a great day and thanks for reading
Our perception of people can often be blurred by lack of details and poor vision sense. We often forget everyone is human and all make mistakes for what ever reason. Forgiveness must be in bedded into a clear light when dealing with people.
I got in trouble this week and spoke to in a very condescending way at work. The fellow meant well and I knew this but still could not help but get my back up.
Us older folk have learned how to keep our mouths shut as not to say anything to make the situation worst. At least I think I have anyways but have been known to spout off on occasion. I let this fellow give me his thoughts and I walked away without defending myself as I knew it was not me who caused the problem.
I ask you is this the proper way to go or do you speak up and defend yourself. I just felt it was not worth the hassle as to blame the actual guilty party. I have broad shoulders and can take the fact people see me as a screw up at times. I just think we all need to have each others back in some situations.
I don't know that was just a thought which was bouncing around in my feeble little brain.
Please pray for my sister in law who got thrown from her horse this week and is in the hospital. She looks like she is going to be ok but does not remember what actually happened. From experience I have learned when you don't remember all the details of an event like this it will become a problem in the coming days and weeks. I hope she will regain it all back but an injury to the head can stay with you for the rest of your life and if not "HA HA "you end up like me.
My dear friend had a very rough week this past work week. I know they feel terrible because they feel like they let themselves down and maybe hurt some feelings along the way. I say to you my dear friend " chin up, we love you and if you have some weak moments or some overly stressful times we understand and are there to support you"
I wrote some lyrics recently as part of them appear on my home page. They may not mean much to everyone but but I was proud of them.
"Reaching out grabbing still air"
"Breathing in I feel your still there"
"I feel my world is in compression"
"It almost fits into my hand"
This is basically a song about hope in the realization that there are friends out there who you cannot wait to spend some time with and you are forced to wait before you can meet with them again.
I just liked those lines so I thought I would share them
That is about all I got today so have a great day and thanks for reading
Sunday, March 25, 2007
In the ever restrained world in which I call my own, adventure and humility never seem to far away. I have lost lots of weight I am eating better and have found some much needed energy. So in these parameters I am feeling very good about myself. As a lot of you know I am a homebody who likes to stay home a lots and rarely enjoys venturing to far from my home.
Well since I was feeling so macho and had this feeling of being very cool within myself I said lets go the mall. I was like a teenager again and may of had a little jump in my walk I am not sure but it did feel like it.
Jo-Anne headed down to Zellers to pick up something so I decided to cruise the mall a bit and give them all a good look at such a cool guy. I am sure the mall must be starving for some coolness or at least I was sure of it.
I see the cd shop and my feet start to accelerate toward the entrance. Well since I am so hip I head straight for the new releases. Hey I knew my music in my day and I have not been hiding under a rock for the last few years. So picture this hip guy full of confidence as he stops by the new releases.
I start my scanning to see what new treasure I can come up with. As I kept looking looking looking I began to realize I did not know one artist or one cd in the five rows of these new cd's .
I kept looking and finally I found one I have heard of before. I could not tell you what song they sang or anything about them or even what style of music they played. Just over heard someone mention their name once. So I continue on with my search as I have three more rows to browse.
I come to last row and by now this very cool guy is feeling very much old at his lack of knowledge of the music business. Finally I find an artist I know very well Neil Young ah yes I am not so ignorant after all. I started to get my confidence back only to soon realize someone had put it in the wrong row as it was not a new release but belonged on the other side of the store.
Guess what this seemingly young cool guy did next, you got it I got the heck out of there as fast as I could, like a dog with his tail between his legs.
So here I am cruisin the mall trying to make sure nobody realizes that this old guy thought he was cool for a few minutes. Not just cool but young. Oh boy we came home ASAP.
The moral of this experience today never try or beleive you are something you are not. If your a geek be a geek if your are super cool be super cool you have the right, but be nice to us people who only dream he could be cool just one more time in his life.
Thanks for reading
Well since I was feeling so macho and had this feeling of being very cool within myself I said lets go the mall. I was like a teenager again and may of had a little jump in my walk I am not sure but it did feel like it.
Jo-Anne headed down to Zellers to pick up something so I decided to cruise the mall a bit and give them all a good look at such a cool guy. I am sure the mall must be starving for some coolness or at least I was sure of it.
I see the cd shop and my feet start to accelerate toward the entrance. Well since I am so hip I head straight for the new releases. Hey I knew my music in my day and I have not been hiding under a rock for the last few years. So picture this hip guy full of confidence as he stops by the new releases.
I start my scanning to see what new treasure I can come up with. As I kept looking looking looking I began to realize I did not know one artist or one cd in the five rows of these new cd's .
I kept looking and finally I found one I have heard of before. I could not tell you what song they sang or anything about them or even what style of music they played. Just over heard someone mention their name once. So I continue on with my search as I have three more rows to browse.
I come to last row and by now this very cool guy is feeling very much old at his lack of knowledge of the music business. Finally I find an artist I know very well Neil Young ah yes I am not so ignorant after all. I started to get my confidence back only to soon realize someone had put it in the wrong row as it was not a new release but belonged on the other side of the store.
Guess what this seemingly young cool guy did next, you got it I got the heck out of there as fast as I could, like a dog with his tail between his legs.
So here I am cruisin the mall trying to make sure nobody realizes that this old guy thought he was cool for a few minutes. Not just cool but young. Oh boy we came home ASAP.
The moral of this experience today never try or beleive you are something you are not. If your a geek be a geek if your are super cool be super cool you have the right, but be nice to us people who only dream he could be cool just one more time in his life.
Thanks for reading
Saturday, March 24, 2007
In the ever sustained world of imagination, creativity embarks on very strange journey. The imagination is there for us to use as a tool to keep our thought process from becoming stagnant and dull.
Creativity filters threw our vision and into reality as we trace the patterns grown in our minds to visually compile a replica of our creativity. Why am I talking about this, well this evening we went to see the movie “Wild Hogs” As I sat there watching this comedy I was thinking to myself “ who thinks this stuff up”
It was hilarious and very entertaining. The story line was not really anything spectacular but what happens in the movie was well thought out. I laughed all the way through it as it kept my attention all the way threw. Not an easy thing to do with me. I can very critical when watching movies, it is a curse I swear. It seems I have to analyze every little detail in the scenes from scene selection to performances by the actors.
This is were the loser part of me really accelerates it’s priority in me. It seems I cannot just watch or hear something without trying to figure out what makes it good or what makes it bad. But it does keep my mind busy and alert.
I was relieved to say this movie held my attention and I do recommend it to anyone. There is a little bit of nudity in the movie but William Macy”s butt really does not count as nudity does it. It was playfully played out and not just in the movie for no reason. The fact he was naked made the scene work. Very funny.
Another by product of creativity in the brain develops out of shear boredom. Sometimes these things come to have a mind of their own and just show up on the page without any real thought and they are just to entertaining. Hence the creation of “Howie the Antelope” which was created by Bonnie. If you can get her permission to access her sight as it is set to private for very good reasons you should check it out. The adventures of Howie will evolve into a stellar character who gets himself into many vicarious situations. And they are all set to limericks. Just to funny as I laughed my butt of while hearing about him. Maybe you will not catch the humor right away but stick around as he grows and becomes human. Nice creative work, I love him lol.
That’s about all I got tonight as my creativity has lacked today but may arrive back tomorrow, who knows. Have a great night and thanks for reading.
Creativity filters threw our vision and into reality as we trace the patterns grown in our minds to visually compile a replica of our creativity. Why am I talking about this, well this evening we went to see the movie “Wild Hogs” As I sat there watching this comedy I was thinking to myself “ who thinks this stuff up”
It was hilarious and very entertaining. The story line was not really anything spectacular but what happens in the movie was well thought out. I laughed all the way through it as it kept my attention all the way threw. Not an easy thing to do with me. I can very critical when watching movies, it is a curse I swear. It seems I have to analyze every little detail in the scenes from scene selection to performances by the actors.
This is were the loser part of me really accelerates it’s priority in me. It seems I cannot just watch or hear something without trying to figure out what makes it good or what makes it bad. But it does keep my mind busy and alert.
I was relieved to say this movie held my attention and I do recommend it to anyone. There is a little bit of nudity in the movie but William Macy”s butt really does not count as nudity does it. It was playfully played out and not just in the movie for no reason. The fact he was naked made the scene work. Very funny.
Another by product of creativity in the brain develops out of shear boredom. Sometimes these things come to have a mind of their own and just show up on the page without any real thought and they are just to entertaining. Hence the creation of “Howie the Antelope” which was created by Bonnie. If you can get her permission to access her sight as it is set to private for very good reasons you should check it out. The adventures of Howie will evolve into a stellar character who gets himself into many vicarious situations. And they are all set to limericks. Just to funny as I laughed my butt of while hearing about him. Maybe you will not catch the humor right away but stick around as he grows and becomes human. Nice creative work, I love him lol.
That’s about all I got tonight as my creativity has lacked today but may arrive back tomorrow, who knows. Have a great night and thanks for reading.
Friday, March 23, 2007
The pity full and unvaried lives of humans can be so engaging. We humans have so many problems during our lives we could not write a book as interesting and captivating as the real thing. Really if we could who would really believe it.
Our love lives are all screwed up our social skills lack integrity and sophistication as the list goes on and on. We bore ourselves with meaningless details which in the end mean nothing. Money becomes the goal instead of just reaching the finish line alive. Hank Williams senior kind of summed it up for me in the fifties, when he sang “ if I ever get out of this world alive”
Addiction have the world population by the throat as we gasp for air. Name your poison and you will find someone with that addiction. For some the addiction is drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, television or maybe something obscure as smelling flowers obsessively. It does not matter what it may be we all have an addiction. Me you may say not I. Well maybe your addiction is junk food, or cleaning the house thirty times a day. Look closely and you will find one very close by.
As we all have our little inculcate diversities and as people we are all different. So I thought also. I have discovered one common addiction all people world wide share. It infects little babies to senior citizens and anyone in-between. We are not so different after all as this one common element is branded into our being from our first breath.
And what would this addiction we share be called. Well it has a none scientific name and is a word we all relate to it is called “ ROUTINES”
That’s right we are addicted to routines and we have become so accustom to living out the ritual we don’t even know we are addicts.
As many of you who read my blog here know since my head injury I do not drive. My life has become a haven for a routine in which I cannot break. Do you realize the impact routines have on our live’s. We worship the all mighty schedule and live it to a tee. We dare not break from it or cast a shadow on it’s power. We openly pursue it’s calming favor and are proud when we have delivered it’s grace to the master.
The ever complex thoughts which travel threw out my head made this observation one morning while waiting for my bus to arrive. I see the same lady wearing a university leather jacket walk across the street and retrieve a pack of smokes. I watch the same dump truck pull up in front of the store and buy some gum and chocolate milk. I see the same black S.U.V pull up across the street the wrong way and go into the store across the road. The old man who stops for his paper and leaves the engine running while dispensing into the store for only a brief moment. I can now watch the second dump truck driver traveling much to fast fly by me. I observe the same kids gather by the corner as the Catholic School bus pulls up in front of them. I see the lone public school guy catch his ride just shortly after that. The same boy walks half way down the street to meet the young lady who exits her home right on time. And when I finally see the Chevy silver truck pull up in front of the store I now know my bus will arrive within three minutes.
I thought to myself that one momentous moment that I felt sorry for all these people and how addicted they are to their perspective routines. Then a bright light went on inside my head, why am I feeling sorry for them. I am here every morning to watch all this organized confusion. I awake at every morning at six fifty and by seven fifteen I have done the exact same thing every morning.
Ever have one of those days when you just feel out of sync within yourself. When this happens think back and see if you have broken your routine in some fashion. I would bet you have and it messes up everything. Maybe you broke rank and went to sleep the night before at a time which was not your routine.
If you think about it our routines are a form of organization in which we rely on keeping us focused. I find this real sad and some what pathetic that we need such addiction to help us survive. I am one of these people who gets a vacation and for the first few days has no idea what to do with themselves. My routine has been broken and life makes no sense.
I just wanted to share these observations with you as you now know how desparate I am to have a life.
Thanks for reading
Our love lives are all screwed up our social skills lack integrity and sophistication as the list goes on and on. We bore ourselves with meaningless details which in the end mean nothing. Money becomes the goal instead of just reaching the finish line alive. Hank Williams senior kind of summed it up for me in the fifties, when he sang “ if I ever get out of this world alive”
Addiction have the world population by the throat as we gasp for air. Name your poison and you will find someone with that addiction. For some the addiction is drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, television or maybe something obscure as smelling flowers obsessively. It does not matter what it may be we all have an addiction. Me you may say not I. Well maybe your addiction is junk food, or cleaning the house thirty times a day. Look closely and you will find one very close by.
As we all have our little inculcate diversities and as people we are all different. So I thought also. I have discovered one common addiction all people world wide share. It infects little babies to senior citizens and anyone in-between. We are not so different after all as this one common element is branded into our being from our first breath.
And what would this addiction we share be called. Well it has a none scientific name and is a word we all relate to it is called “ ROUTINES”
That’s right we are addicted to routines and we have become so accustom to living out the ritual we don’t even know we are addicts.
As many of you who read my blog here know since my head injury I do not drive. My life has become a haven for a routine in which I cannot break. Do you realize the impact routines have on our live’s. We worship the all mighty schedule and live it to a tee. We dare not break from it or cast a shadow on it’s power. We openly pursue it’s calming favor and are proud when we have delivered it’s grace to the master.
The ever complex thoughts which travel threw out my head made this observation one morning while waiting for my bus to arrive. I see the same lady wearing a university leather jacket walk across the street and retrieve a pack of smokes. I watch the same dump truck pull up in front of the store and buy some gum and chocolate milk. I see the same black S.U.V pull up across the street the wrong way and go into the store across the road. The old man who stops for his paper and leaves the engine running while dispensing into the store for only a brief moment. I can now watch the second dump truck driver traveling much to fast fly by me. I observe the same kids gather by the corner as the Catholic School bus pulls up in front of them. I see the lone public school guy catch his ride just shortly after that. The same boy walks half way down the street to meet the young lady who exits her home right on time. And when I finally see the Chevy silver truck pull up in front of the store I now know my bus will arrive within three minutes.
I thought to myself that one momentous moment that I felt sorry for all these people and how addicted they are to their perspective routines. Then a bright light went on inside my head, why am I feeling sorry for them. I am here every morning to watch all this organized confusion. I awake at every morning at six fifty and by seven fifteen I have done the exact same thing every morning.
Ever have one of those days when you just feel out of sync within yourself. When this happens think back and see if you have broken your routine in some fashion. I would bet you have and it messes up everything. Maybe you broke rank and went to sleep the night before at a time which was not your routine.
If you think about it our routines are a form of organization in which we rely on keeping us focused. I find this real sad and some what pathetic that we need such addiction to help us survive. I am one of these people who gets a vacation and for the first few days has no idea what to do with themselves. My routine has been broken and life makes no sense.
I just wanted to share these observations with you as you now know how desparate I am to have a life.
Thanks for reading
Sunday, March 18, 2007
In the ever evolving learning process of my life I wanted to share something I found. I was not aware I thought like this but when in fact I discovered it had consumed me. I am talking about envy.
Envy is a form of greed and greed is a form of desire which when translated means you want something that is not yours or something which you cannot have. I have never really considered myself to be vulnerable to these thoughts but I was sadly mistaken. It rips you apart inside as it distorts real feelings which you feel. It is a form of jealousy and is not healthy in any form.
Envy and greed mixed with jealousy creates mass confusion within ones mind. It takes normal healthy thoughts and disguises them as visions which are not real. It develops a perfect scenario in which you feel you have a right to enjoy or covet a possession which you have no title to be thinking about in the first place. And soon after when you realize you cannot have it anger will soon follow.
Having a dream or desire about these things is very normal I think but when you feel you must have them at any cost then you are in for some disappointment in your life.
I found myself in this position about a week ago and I feel terrible about it. But in life we cannot turn back the clock and change things we can only ask for forgiveness and remember the lesson learned.
I have learned from this experience and have moved on remembering the lesson. I am so glad I corrected this problem before it blew into a million pieces right in front of me.
Life lessons can be hard to swallow at times but they certainly leave their mark on your life. They are good though and we should never feel sorry for learning them. We may feel embarrassed by them but deal with it when the times is right.
I just wanted to share this life lesson with you guys as I feel great having dealt with it. Thanks for reading.
Envy is a form of greed and greed is a form of desire which when translated means you want something that is not yours or something which you cannot have. I have never really considered myself to be vulnerable to these thoughts but I was sadly mistaken. It rips you apart inside as it distorts real feelings which you feel. It is a form of jealousy and is not healthy in any form.
Envy and greed mixed with jealousy creates mass confusion within ones mind. It takes normal healthy thoughts and disguises them as visions which are not real. It develops a perfect scenario in which you feel you have a right to enjoy or covet a possession which you have no title to be thinking about in the first place. And soon after when you realize you cannot have it anger will soon follow.
Having a dream or desire about these things is very normal I think but when you feel you must have them at any cost then you are in for some disappointment in your life.
I found myself in this position about a week ago and I feel terrible about it. But in life we cannot turn back the clock and change things we can only ask for forgiveness and remember the lesson learned.
I have learned from this experience and have moved on remembering the lesson. I am so glad I corrected this problem before it blew into a million pieces right in front of me.
Life lessons can be hard to swallow at times but they certainly leave their mark on your life. They are good though and we should never feel sorry for learning them. We may feel embarrassed by them but deal with it when the times is right.
I just wanted to share this life lesson with you guys as I feel great having dealt with it. Thanks for reading.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
In the ever changing life of Lloyd I did something I really regretted. I deleted my blog at a weak moment. I closed my eyes and and hit the button. Why you ask, well that is a very good question. One I cannot answer honestly other than I was down and felt the need to put my life back into private.
Oh brother what a mistake. I knew right away it was a mistake. So I had to change my link slightly to get back on. NOTE TO SELF "never do that again"
Work has been real busy and everything has been going good. I am excited about life again and look forward to another to begin.
Had band practice today for the first time in two months, and let me tell it felt awesome to play again.
I bought The Fray concert tickets this week for a show in Toronto in June. I am excited about this. They are an awesome group of talented musicians and their music is well written and preformed. My dear friend put me onto them and I am hoping to see you at the show.
Been doing a lot of spring yes spring painting and repairs on the house lately. I purchased a new front steel door. I will hire a pro to install it. Thought about doing it myself but you know the old saying " why get someone else to do it when for a little bit more you can do it yourself"
The music project is falling into place very nicely and I am so looking forward to it. July cannot come soon enough.
I am still doing a lot of research in an attempt to maybe open my own record label. It would be a small label but all things start small. It may not happen but time will tell. There is so much to do just to get started. I have to make sure I am dedicated to it 100 percent. I already know who my first client will be. I hope if this happens I can do them justice. I have the name all picked out but cannot say yet. I will keep you updated on the results.
Thats about all I got tonight so take care and thanks for being understanding on my weak moment.
Oh brother what a mistake. I knew right away it was a mistake. So I had to change my link slightly to get back on. NOTE TO SELF "never do that again"
Work has been real busy and everything has been going good. I am excited about life again and look forward to another to begin.
Had band practice today for the first time in two months, and let me tell it felt awesome to play again.
I bought The Fray concert tickets this week for a show in Toronto in June. I am excited about this. They are an awesome group of talented musicians and their music is well written and preformed. My dear friend put me onto them and I am hoping to see you at the show.
Been doing a lot of spring yes spring painting and repairs on the house lately. I purchased a new front steel door. I will hire a pro to install it. Thought about doing it myself but you know the old saying " why get someone else to do it when for a little bit more you can do it yourself"
The music project is falling into place very nicely and I am so looking forward to it. July cannot come soon enough.
I am still doing a lot of research in an attempt to maybe open my own record label. It would be a small label but all things start small. It may not happen but time will tell. There is so much to do just to get started. I have to make sure I am dedicated to it 100 percent. I already know who my first client will be. I hope if this happens I can do them justice. I have the name all picked out but cannot say yet. I will keep you updated on the results.
Thats about all I got tonight so take care and thanks for being understanding on my weak moment.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I will be away just a little while longer as I get things in order and work on this new design. I will keep you posted if you are interested.
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